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  TechAtlas Partner Program


With the recognition that even the best technology tool needs a human touch, the TechAtlas Partner Program allows technology assistance providers and organizations that manage technology for various offices and affiliates to customize and adapt TechAtlas for their use in providing technology assistance to nonprofit organizations.

Partners can work with nonprofits and:

  • Develop assessment modules that ask questions and provide recommendations specific to their clients, the technology they use, and particular issues regarding technology. TechAtlas's strongest (and coolest) asset allows Partners to develop assessments that give recommendations based on individuals’ responses to assessment questions. Preview the Basic Assessment.
  • Manage their clients by giving specific assessments to various groups and working through the planning process with them. Review sample Recommendations and their underlying logic.
  • Analyze the data about their clients use of technology. View results from the Basic Assessment.
  • Benefit and contribute to the best practices of providing quality technology assistance to nonprofit organizations by codifying and sharing technology advice given to nonprofit organizations. Preview Resources.
  • Brand the planning session for those nonprofit organizations that have agreed to have them as a partner with their own logo or name.

TechAtlas is designed and built by and as a community resource with content provided from a variety of nonprofit and for-profit partners. We hope to expand the breadth and utility of TechAtlas with the increased experience and knowledge of other technology assistance providers. While we hope that more and more assessments are made publicly available, Partners do have the ability to keep their customized assessments confined to use by organizations that they are working with. 

If you would like to be TechAtlas Partner, request a new Partner Account. Preview the Partner site by logging in as a Guest Partner. Read about TechAtlas Partners at work.

Getting Started Using  a TechAtlas Partner Account (Adobe Acrobat format)



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