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  TechAtlas Partner Program


With the recognition that even the best technology tool needs a human touch, the TechAtlas Partner Program allows technology assistance providers and organizations that manage technology for various offices and affiliates to customize and adapt TechAtlas for their use in providing technology assistance to nonprofit organizations.  For examples of how both TechAtlas and TechSurveyor complement the work of Partners read about TechAtlas Partners at work

Currently, the TechAtlas Partner Program is free however, we are looking at future pricing strategies for the tool.  In order to make TechAtlas a sustainable resource for the nonprofit sector, we expect to start charging Partners a fee sometime this summer.  For details around this please refer to TechAtlas Partner Pricing information.

As a TechAtlas Partner you can:

Assessment Building Consulting:

To help Partners take full advantage of the assessment building features in TechAtlas, NPower offers Assessment Consulting Services.  These services help Partners prepare their content and build an assessment that meets the needs of the organizations they serve.  To request assessment building consulting, please click on the Contact TechAtlas link in the footer of this page.

Assessment Building Consulting (Adobe Acrobat format)

About the TechAtlas Partner Community:

TechAtlas, provided by NPower, is designed to be a community resource with content provided from a variety of nonprofit and for-profit partners. We hope to expand the breadth and utility of TechAtlas with the increased experience and knowledge of other technology assistance providers. While we hope that more and more assessments are made publicly available, Partners do have the ability to keep their customized assessments confined to use by organizations that they are working with. 


TechAtlas is linked with TechSurveyor, an online technology inventory tool. TechAtlas Partners can use TechSurveyor with organizations.






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