Create a New Account for TechAtlas
Organization Basics
* Indicates required information. |
* Full Organization Name |
* Mailing Address |
* City |
* State |
* Postal Code |
Employer ID Number (EIN) |
Organization Phone |
Organization Fax |
Annual Budget |
Number of Employees |
Number of Locations |
( Would be more than one if you organization has multiple offices / addresses.) |
Primary Contact Info
* First Name |
* Last Name |
Title or Role |
Contact Phone |
Primary Contact Email/Login
NOTE: Your Login Name will be the same as your Contact Email address. |
* Contact Email Address |
* Password |
(must be at least four characters) |
Secondary Contact
NOTE: Assuming s/he isn"t your organization"s Primary Contact, we suggest making your Executive Director your Secondary Contact. |
First Name |
Last Name |
Title or Role |
Email |
Type of Organization
NOTE: TechAtlas may aggregate information entered by users to create reports regarding the general state of the nonprofit sector and to inform services and tools that will benefit nonprofits. These reports are always stripped of organizational identifiers.
* Organization Type |
Please choose the closest type. |
How did you hear about TechAtlas? |
NOTE: Use of TechAtlas is limited to nonprofit organizations.